[敏捷开发培训] CSM Quiz
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CSM Quiz


1. The following is NOT amongst the Agile manifesto values:

A. We respond to change rather than only following a plan.

B. Working Product has lesser value than detailed documentation.

C.Individuals are more important than processes.

D.Customer collaboration is more valuable than contract negotiation.

Correct Answer: Working Product has lesser value than detailed documentation.

2. Planning is EVERYTHING. Plans are NOTHING.

A. True

B. False

Correct Answer: True

3. The following should work together daily throughout the project:

A. Business People and Developers.

B. Stakeholders and Users.

C. Developers and Testers.

D. Developers and Managers.

Correct Answer: Business People and Developers.

4. The following helps the teams to pause at regular intervals, reflect on their own behaviour and move forward:

A. Team Retrospectives

B. Project Status Meetings

C. Onsite-Offshore Calls

D. Daily Scrum Meetings

Correct Answer: Team Retrospectives

5. Agile is a:

A. Process.

B. Framework.

C. Methodology.

D. Mindset.

Correct Answer: Mindset.

6. Empiricism is NOT:

A. Defined process with a sequence of steps.

B. Knowledge to make a decision comes from experience and observation of prior iterations.

C. Decision making is based on past experience.

D. Evidence based rather than theory or pure logic.

Correct Answer: Defined process with a sequence of steps.

7. Scrum can be applied to:

A. Software products only.

B. Software and Hardware projects only.

C. Software and Hardware but development projects only.

D. Any industry or domain.

Correct Answer: Any industry or domain.

8. The three pillars of Empiricism are:

A. Planning, Measurement and Decision Making.

B. Transparency, Iteration and Sprints.

C. Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation.

D. Focus, Inspection and Adaptation.

Correct Answer: Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation.

9. Scrum is about:

A. Incremental only.

B. Iterative only.

C. Incremental and Iterative.

D. Neither Incremental Nor Iterative.

Correct Answer: Incremental and Iterative.

10. A common language referring to the process or product must be shared by all participants. This promotes:

A. Transparency.

B. Inspection.

C. Adaptation.

D. Team bonding.

Correct Answer: Transparency.

11. The following is NOT a Scrum Value:

A. Focus.

B. Openness.

C. Respect.

D. Collaboration.

Correct Answer: Collaboration.

12. A Developer works on multiple tasks at the same time. The following value is missing:

A. Focus

B. Openness

C. Courage

D. Respect

Correct Answer: Focus

13. A Scrum Master encourages Developers to try new and innovative experiments to improve productivity. (S)He displays the following value:

A. Focus

B. Openness

C. Courage

D. Respect

Correct Answer: Courage

14. A customer mandates the team to do Scrum. However she makes it clear that she is available for the review meetings once every 3 months. The following value is missing:

A. Focus

B. Openness

C. Courage

D. Commitment

Correct Answer: Commitment

15. A Scrum Team lives all the Scrum values, and also understands that the values are strongly inter-laced with each other and that each cannot be displayed in isolation. While displaying the Scrum values, they build the following that can help them succeed in the longer run:

A. Honesty

B. Trust

C. Integrity

D. Unity

Correct Answer: Trust

16. When there are multiple Product Owners in one Scrum Team, the following Scrum value may be compromised for the Developers:

 A. Focus

B. Openness

C. Courage

D. Respect

Correct Answer: Focus

17. The typical size of a Scrum Team is:

A. 3-9

B. 5-11

C. 10

D. Doesn't matter

Correct Answer: 10

18. The following is responsible to maximise the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team:

A. Developer

B.  Product Owner

C. Scrum Master

D. Scrum Team

Correct Answer: Product Owner

19. Product Backlog Items (User Stories) can be written by

A. Product Owner

B. Scrum Master

C. Developers

D. All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

20. Developers are self-organizing. However, the following role also has the right to tell them how to convert Product Backlog Items into an Increment:

A. Scrum Master

B. Project Manager

C. Customer

D. None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

21. When the Sales department Vice President asks the Developers to add a new urgent item to the ongoing Sprint:

A. The Developers should immediately add to the current Sprint Backlog.

B. The Developers should suggest to contact the Product Owner.

C. The Scrum Master should suggest the Developers to take up in the next Sprint.

D. The Developers should cancel the ongoing Sprint, and take up the new item in the next Sprint immediately.

Correct Answer: The Developers should suggest to contact the Product Owner.

22. Product Owner can compromise one of the following characteristics under certain given circumstances:

A. Authority

B. Knowledge

C. Availability

D. None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

23. Whose responsibility is to track the progress of the Sprint?

A. Developers.

B. Scrum Master.

C. Product Owner.

D. Scrum Team.

Correct Answer: Developers.

24. A cross-functional Scrum Team means:

A. The team, as a whole, has all the required skills to create the Increment.

B. The team has only specialized members with individuals having unique skills.

C. Every team member is proficient in every skill that is required to create the Increment.

D. The team has all the business and technical skills for testing the release Increment.

Correct Answer: The team, as a whole, has all the required skills to create the Increment.

25. Self-organizing Developers:

A. Trust the Product Owner that (s)he will not disrupt the Daily Scrum.

B. Show courage to ask the Scrum Master to facilitate the Daily Scrum everyday.

C. Show respect by not interrupting when others speak at the Daily Scrum even if it exceeds 15 minutes.

D. Conduct their own Daily Scrum.

Correct Answer: Conduct their own Daily Scrum.

26. The following role doesn't exist in Scrum:

A. Developers

B. Product Owner

C. Project Owner

D. Scrum Master

Correct Answer: Project Owner

27. The following is the organisational change agent:

A. Scrum Master.

B. Product Owner.

C. Every Developer.

D. Vice President.

Correct Answer: Scrum Master.

28. Servant Leadership means:

A. Service the Developers with whatever logistics and infrastructure are needed.

B. Making decisions on behalf of the Developers.

C. Serving the leaders of the organization, and providing them with the status of the work done by the Developers.

D. Lead the Developers by serving them, help them to make decisions.

Correct Answer: Lead the Developers by serving them, help them to make decisions.

29. Which of the following is NOT a Scrum Master responsibility?

A. Socializing Scrum throughout the organization.

B. Empowering the team.

C. Establish priorities together with the Product Owner for Product Backlog Items.

D. Preventing Senior Management from shifting the team priorities.

Correct Answer: Establish priorities together with the Product Owner for Product Backlog Items.

30. As per Scrum, a Scrum Master should work:

A. Limit to only one Scrum Team.

B. Limit to only five Scrum Teams.

C. Limit to only ten Scrum Teams.

D. No specific guidance by Scrum. A Scrum Master may work with few Scrum teams, but convey to the management that the focus will be divided, resulting in productivity loss.

Correct Answer: No specific guidance by Scrum. A Scrum Master may work with few Scrum teams, but convey to the management that the focus will be divided, resulting in productivity loss.

31. As far as the responsibility for a Daily Scrum is concerned, a Scrum Master MUST:

A. Ensure the Developers have the Daily Scrum.

B. Facilitate the Daily Scrum everyday.

C. Timebox the Daily Scrum everyday.

D. All of the above.

Correct Answer: Ensure the Developers have the Daily Scrum.

32. A great Scrum Master:

A. Resolves all the impediments faced by the Developers.

B. Acts as a bridge between the Product Owner and the Developers.

C. Knows when to step-in a situation, when to step-back and lets the Developers self-organize.

D. Conducts all Scrum events within the timebox.

Correct Answer: Knows when to step-in a situation, when to step-back and lets the Developers self-organize.

33. The following are responsibilities of a Scrum Master:

A. Facilitate events.

B. Resolve conflicts.

C. Help Developers in decision making.

D. All of the above.

Correct Answer: All of the above.

34. A traditional project manager can transform into a Scrum Master as long as:

A. Servant Leadership attitude can be cultivated.

B. Able to make decisions on behalf of the Developers.

C. Able to estimate the work items in discussion with a Scrum Product Owner.

D. Collaborate by continuing to command and control over team members.

Correct Answer: Servant Leadership attitude can be cultivated.

35. A Scrum Master must perform the following at an organization level:

A. Plan and implement Scrum adoption.

B. Teach Scrum and good practices.

C. Mentor and Coach everyone in the organization.

D. All of the above.

Correct Answer: All of the above.

36. A Scrum Master at a Sprint Planning event must:

A. Select work to be done by the Developers during the Sprint.

B. Advise the Product Owner to re-order the priority of the Product Backlog Items.

C. Estimate the work so that it is easy for the Developers to forecast the Sprint's work.

D. None of the above.

Correct Answer: None of the above.

37. The following is true for a Scrum Master:

A. Scrum Master must have the technical skills.

B. It is not necessary for the Scrum Master to have the technical skills.

C. Scrum mandates for Scrum Master to have the technical skills.

D. Scrum mandates that Scrum Master must not have technical skills.

Correct Answer: It is not necessary for the Scrum Master to have the technical skills.

38. A primary presenter at the Sprint Review:

A. Developers.

B. Scrum Master.

C. Product Owner.

D. Users asking questions and giving feedback.

Correct Answer: Product Owner.

39. Who can attend Daily Scrum?

A. Only Developers.

B. Developers and Scrum Master.

C. Developers, Scrum Master, Product Owner.

D. Anyone can attend Daily Scrum.

Correct Answer: Anyone can attend Daily Scrum.

40. When can a Sprint be cancelled?

A. When the Product Owner identifies new requirements.

B. When the Sprint goal becomes obsolete.

C. When the Developers realises it cannot complete the forecasted work.

D. When new users pressurize to start a new Sprint.

Correct Answer: When the Sprint goal becomes obsolete.

41. A Sprint's maximum duration is:

A. 2 weeks.

B. 4 weeks.

C. Not more than 1 calendar month.

D. Whatever the Product Owner deems appropriate.

Correct Answer: Not more than 1 calendar month.

42. The container event in Scrum is:

A. Sprint Retrospective.

B. Product Backlog Refinement.

C. Sprint.

D. Sprint Planning.

Correct Answer: Sprint.

43. The subject matter experts (SMEs) invited for a Sprint Planning session are determined by:

A. Scrum Team.

B. Product Owner.

C. Scrum Master.

D. Senior stakeholders.

Correct Answer: Scrum Team.

44. A Sprint Retrospective:

A. Is to plan ways to increase quality and effectiveness.

B. Is to discuss what went well during the Sprint, what problems encountered etc.

C. Is timeboxed to a maximum of three hours for a one- month Sprint.

D. All of the above.

Correct Answer: All of the above.

45. It is best to do Product Backlog estimation during:

A. Sprint Planning

B. Sprint Retrospective.

C. Product Backlog Refinement.

D. Scrum doesn't mandate estimation, so it is best avoided.

Correct Answer: Product Backlog Refinement.

46. A Sprint Review is the first opportunity for the Product Owner to see the working product Increment.

A. True.

B. False.

Correct Answer: False.

47. The best length of a Sprint in Scrum is:

A. One week.

B. There is no ideal Sprint length. It depends on various constraints and can vary.

C. Two weeks.

D. One month.

Correct Answer: There is no ideal Sprint length. It depends on various constraints and can vary.

48. An Increment is:

A. The user interface of a product.

B. The sum of all the previous increments.

C. An elapsed time that the Scrum Team spends on creating the product.

D. That satisfies the end User.

Correct Answer: The sum of all the previous increments.

49. The following statements are true about a Product Backlog:

A. Only Product Owner can write and prioritize Product Backlog items.

B. Only Product Owner and Users can write Product Backlog items, and Product Owner will prioritize Product Backlog items.

C. Only Product Owner, Scrum Master and Users can write Product Backlog items, and Product Owner will prioritize Product Backlog items.

D. Anyone can write Product Backlog items, and the Product Owner has the authority to prioritize.

Correct Answer: Anyone can write Product Backlog items, and the Product Owner has the authority to prioritize.

50. ______ are present in the Sprint Backlog and are normally estimated in hours.

A. Stories.

B. User cases.

C. Features.

D. Tasks.

Correct Answer: Tasks.

51. Definition of Done is:

A. An agreement between Product Owner and Scrum Master.

B. An agreement between Scrum Master and Developers.

C. An agreement between Product Owner and Developers.

D. An agreement between Scrum Team and Stakeholders.

Correct Answer: An agreement between Product Owner and Developers.

52. The Product Backlog is ordered by:

A. Ordered by Risk. Low risk items to be on top and high risk items at the bottom.

B. Ordered by complexity. Less complex items are on top and high complex items at the bottom.

C. Effort estimation.

D. Business Value.

Correct Answer: Business Value.

53. Product Backlog can be modified during:

A. During Product Backlog Refinement.

B. During Sprint Review.

C. During market adjustments.

D. All of the above.

Correct Answer: All of the above.

54. A Sprint Backlog can be adjusted:

A. As and when a Developer wants to work on a new user story.

B. Only during the first half of the Sprint.

C. As long as the Sprint Goal is intact.

D. Only during the Sprint Planning meeting.

Correct Answer: As long as the Sprint Goal is intact.

55. Product Owner determines to release the Increment based on:

A. When the Developers determine that the Increment is done.

B. When the Increment provides value to business users.

C. When the Product Owner determines that the Increment is done.

D. When the Scrum Master says there are no impediments for the product release.

Correct Answer: When the Increment provides value to business users.

56. A Sprint Backlog consists of:

A. The Sprint Goal (why).

B. The set of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint (what).

C. An actionable plan for delivering the Increment (how).

D. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

57. The following Scrum artifacts evolve during the course of time:

A. Product Backlog.

B. Sprint Backlog.

C. Both.

D. None of the above.

Correct Answer: Both.




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